since mi adolescence I wanted to study psychology, because I considered a beautiful degree and very important for the society and the life ( my life). My mom always supported but my father in a beginning didnt a agree with my degree.
the Psychology is one of the specialty most enriching to my opinion . Over the years I have heard many people criticize Psychology as a college major and as a career path, citing reasons ranging from low pay and few jobs, to “it’s not useful” to “it’s just an easy and fun” . but, there are many positive reasons to study Psychology that go beyond career possibilities. permit Understanding of thing like critical thinking, since we focus on how to think critically, Understanding of Relationships and the people. the tools necessary for a Psychology is understanding to the people and their "problems" for to be able to help so they go through a reflective process of this. My favourite subject is the Psychology for couples and parents, because I considered it the topic very interesting and useful for the degree and the life.
psychology is very interesting, personally I like the psychoanalysis branch