viernes, 25 de abril de 2014


I like the facebook. I consider is a big opportunity for get to know peoples different. Also is possible know different cultures and  music served with report photography and journalist report very interesting.
 The contact with my friend the region is very good because facebook allow the comunication.
I spend some time on the facebook every day , because I like to know about the people in general .

I am interested in visiting websites like to see  future events for example  a event powerfull how promise a cross your sense.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

hello clasmate, today I want to tell you about one of my trips. 3 years ago with my family  ( mother, father and sisters) decided to tour the south of chile in car, because Chile is a amazing country. Went two months amazing full of good moments and beautiful different places. the places we visited were: Salto del Laja, Frutillar, Pucon, Puerto Montt, Chiloe, Punta Arenas, Among Others. The frutillar I like the Lake Theatre , because was beautiful place, very relax .

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Welcome to my blogspot classmates. My name is Natalia Cornejo. I was born in Santiago of Chile.  I am student of psicology in the University of Chile . I consider this place very funny.